Learn how your body must fight cancer

Learn how your body must fight cancer

Unfortunately, the spread of cancer among different types of people, including many of them seem 
to health and wellness and youth surprised by this malignant disease shall judge their health. Yemen has God on the patient discovers his injury early Visttia treat themselves and to resist the disease may not be able.

Therefore it is very important that all learn how our bodies pure incidence of such an illness, and how we can fight it and resist it as much as if one of us to infection, God forbid.
Many scientific studies have shown that exercise is able to fight cancer significantly, and that people who exercise regularly show injury rates less than those who do not exercise much or do not practice it at all.

Eating healthy food
Some studies have confirmed that eating foods low in fat and saturated fatty stating specifically in the resistance of colon and rectum, which increases the risk of infection for those who rely on a high saturated fat diet cancer.
It helps that a lot of fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in fiber and few eating in measured portions such as apples, watermelon, cantaloupe and other as well as lettuce, cucumbers and others.

drink plenty of water
The amount of water that must be addressed by the person during the day about 6 cups in the winter should not be less preferred access for 8 cups, and 8 in summer and preferably access to 10 or 12 Cuba.
And water with eating fruits and vegetables as we mentioned act to remove toxins from the body, and the movement of waste, and help the intestines to work, which reduces exposure to carcinogens on the one hand and the absorption of these substances in the body of the material on the other hand.

Meal every 3 hours
Today should be divided into two main meals for breakfast, lunch and 3 to 4 snacks. For example, suppose you're working or you split your meals are as follows:
Eat breakfast between the hours of 7:00, then eat a snack one such fruit fruit or quarter of a loaf at 10:00, then a snack 2 at 12 or 13:00, then lunch at 4 pm, then snack 3 at 7 pm, then meal light 4 at 10 at night.
You must be snacks few calories rich in water and fiber as if fruits of fruits or vegetables or slice of toast brown or age be with any filler Trgbinh or a cup of yogurt or sour milk or juice or a glass of Alnskaver with a piece cookies or a small cake or dish a small popcorn or roasted nuts and so on.
And addressing such low-calorie foods, in addition to a meal every 3 hours or 4 hours on most enhance the work efficiency of the pancreas and insulin, which reduces the risk of all diseases, including cancer.

Reduce the fat and sugars and a lot of non-fatty proteins
Enhances the reduction of private saturated fat as well as sugars and high lipoproteins, with a lot of protein is fatty, such as grilled fish and fatty tuna, as well as the legume-free and dairy-fat exercise the immune system strength and increases the ability of lymphoid cells protect the body from harmful and deadly materials as well as LDL cholesterol.
Reduce stress.
Pacific lifestyle or free of tensions, as well as the ability to control anger with learning emptying the energy of anger, whether in sports or other hobbies strong reasons to reduce the incidence of cancer and its resistance if the infection is.

Quit Smoking
Smoking not only causes lung cancer, it is generally weakens the body and reduces the oxygen uptake by cells, which affects public health and cause injury different types of cancers.

Being careful to avoid harmful substances in food, air
Reduce exposure to carcinogens such as preservatives or irritants that cause cancer, as well as pollutants both in crops or water, and not to be subjected to any harmful rays enhances the  immune strength you have to fight the cancer and its prevention.
thank you 

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